Joanna Duda Trio by Maria Jarzyna
Joanna Duda -p, elec, comp
Maksymilian Mucha -bs/FX
Michal Bryndal -dr
Tourperiod: Sep/ Oct 2024, March 2025, festivals on request
A great start for this exciting young trio by Polish pianist, composer and electronic musician Joanna Duda! The band already played some of the major international festivals like Edmonton Jazz Festival, International Jazz Festival Vancouver, Jazzconnective in Helsinki, London Jazz Festival, Ronnie Scotts and many more!
Joanna Duda Trio is a project including acoustic instruments (piano, double bass, drums) together with electronic sounds and of self – made samples. The music idea is to improvise in very consistent way – focus on the moving, rhythmic irregular motives as little independent beings in themselves; all together melted into one piece searching for collective consciousness in every single moment. The concept of the band is to sound like one organism, creating narration using layers, not solos in a straight meaning.
The Trio was formed at the end of 2017 as part of the work on her solo album KEEN. Originally, Joanna assumed that she would be playing solo material with the band, but soon realized that with the „external human element“ she wanted to create something else.
As a result, the trio created an acoustic sound in which rhythm dominates and electronics work as the fourth equal-rights part in the band. End of 2018 the current line-up with Maksymilian Mucha – double bass/fx and Michal Bryndal – drums started. The assumption of the work of this team is mindfulness and deliberatly stressless, so they entered the studio to record FUMITSUKE in December 2020.
FUMITSUKE got its premiere at the London Jazz Festival in November 2021. The band is excited to perform their new compositions life on stage!